November - New beginnings for the Gig-Arts Board of Trustees!

Gig-Arts is delighted to announce new appointment positions on the Board of Trustees! Following final checks and registrations, the Gig-Arts warmly welcomes Martin Dare as the new Chair of the Board, Erica Freeman as Treasurer, Shelley Spearing as Strategic Developer and Laurent Gigou as IT Advisor.

The Gig-Arts Board also says farewell to Beccy Rodger and Jill Bull who have both been Chairs. We thank them for their outstanding contribution to the charity and wish them well in future projects.

Meanwhile, the month of November has been busy with exciting themes for the charity’s ‘Painting Online with Purpose’ Events. Our aspiring artists have loved celebrating National Stress awareness Day, Poppy Day, National Enterprise Week, National Eat a Cranberry Day and National Tree Week!

It has been a time of change with new artists joining the charity’s activities. Also, with the new Board and increased emphasis on connection with nationwide campaigns. Particularly, Gig-Arts has been inspired by COP26 and the worldwide need to GO GREEN - and this will be reflected in the Board’s future strategic direction and enterprising endeavours. All eyes to the horizon for a bright green future and festive season celebrations in December.

Our continued thanks go to our strategic partners in the third sector - and our hearts continue to go out to the vulnerable aspiring artists who we strive to help.

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