August Art Online & Board Trustee Opportunities
August has seen the evolution of our vibrant online ‘Summer Sizzler’ painting sessions which have been complemented by gatherings of small socially distanced groups. Currently, Gig-Arts is at a halfway house: We are not yet able to run our usual big performance Gig-Arts community events in theatres and town halls, but we light up on Zoom and are delighted to connect with our partner organisations online.
The new Gig-Arts online painting has been successful in reaching isolated families shielding artistic young people with underlying health conditions. With the click of a button, our aspiring artists can connect into the upbeat motivational atmosphere and join the fun!
So far we’ve run two online ‘walk through talk through’ paint-alongs with summer themes of sunshine and sunflowers. Each participant learns about a famous artist, tries new brush stroke techniques, mixes colour and develops draftsmanship skills; and everyone has the one-on-one opportunity to received live feedback on their artistic endeavours. Over the weeks ahead, these skills will grow and the artworks will be exhibited!
Partnering with The ICE Centre in Witney, Oxfordshire, Gig-Arts’ new ONLINE PAINTING has brought joy to scores of aspiring artists of all abilities. It is heart-warming to see big smiles and beautiful colourful paintings created during our one-hour live interactive online art sessions… which outreach far and wide across Oxfordshire and Gloucestershire.
Gig-Arts plans to continue the ONLINE PAINTING through September with engaging autumn animal themes and interesting online guest appearances from furry friend pets including dogs, cats and hamsters! To join in, follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for regular updates.
As summer draws to a close, our autumn Gig-Arts Board Meeting on Wednesday 2nd September at 12.30pm is on Zoom. If you are interested in becoming a trustee of the Gig-Arts charity we will be making changes and exploring new avenues during unprecedented times. If you wish to help disadvantaged aspiring artists … and have management skills… come and share your ideas, strategies and solutions… and help create a difference with Gig-Arts! We would love to hear from you!
Summer Sunflowers inspired by Van Gogh
Summer Sizzler - Online Painting